TRAINING CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE DESCRIPTION TRAINING CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT Training in Chemical Warehouse Management and Emergency Response is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and effectively manage chemical storage facilities and respond to emergencies. Through a combination of theoretical instruction, practical exercises, and simulations, participants will learn about chemical properties, storage requirements, handling procedures, and emergency response protocols. This training program…
TRAINING BIG DATA CERTIFICATION DESCRIPTION TRAINING BIG DATA CERTIFICATION Training for Big Data Certification offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the rapidly evolving field of big data analytics. Through a combination of theoretical instruction, hands-on exercises, and real-world projects, participants will delve into various aspects of big data, including data collection, storage, processing, analysis, and visualization. Led by industry…
TRAINING ADVANCED ASSET AND LIABILITY MANAGEMENT (ALMA) DESCRIPTION TRAINING ADVANCED ASSET MANAGEMENT Training in Advanced Asset and Liability Management (ALMA) is designed to provide professionals in the financial industry with the advanced knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage the complexities of asset and liability portfolios. Through a combination of theoretical concepts, case studies, and practical exercises, participants will delve into topics such as interest rate risk management, liquidity risk,…
TRAINING ONLINE KALIBRASI SUHU PELATIHAN OFFLINE KALIBRASI SUHU PELATIHAN NHOUSE TRAINING KALIBRASI SUHU TRAINING ONLINE KALIBRASI SUHU DESKRIPSI Kalibrasi termometer adalah proses untuk menentapkan skala pada termometer. Hal ini bertujuan agar skala termometer saat menunjukan nilai suhu tidak menyimpang dari yang sebenarnya. Tahukah anda dalam sebuah proses pengukuran, karena faktor usia instrument yang digunakan, kondisi suhu yang berubah ubah dan ketegangan fisik menyebabkan kinerja kritis instrument secara bertahap menjadi…
PELATIHAN BUILDING SUPERVISION AND QUALITY CONTROL OF CIVIL WORK BUILDING SUPERVISION AND QUALITY CONTROL OF CIVIL WORK Training Pengawas Bangunan Dan Pengendalian Mutu Bangunan Konstruksi Training Pengawasan Dan Kontrol Pekerjaan Tanah Dan Pondasi Deskripsi Training Building Supervision and Quality Control Of Civil Work Pengawasan bangunan (Building Supervision) sangat diperlukan agar pelaksanaan pekerjaan sesuai dengan desain yang direncanakan, gambar dan spesifikasi. Banyak masalah terjadi dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan seperti kualitas yang rendah,…
Read MoreTraining Corrosion And Scale Control
Training Corrosion And Scale Control Training Corrosion And Scale Control Pengenalan pengenalan Corrosion And Scale Control Training Corrosion And Scale Control DESCRIPTION, Although corrosion and scale form in very different ways, if their development is left unchecked, the outcome is often the same: catastrophic failure or severe fouling, rendering equipment unsafe or inefficient. The resulting expense associated with these problems can be huge, but they can be cost-effectively controlled…
Read MoreCorrosion Engineering Training
Corrosion Engineering Training Corrosion Engineering Training Corrosion Engineer Training adalah sebuah posisi yang memiliki peran strategis dalam industri Migas. Ia bertugas memastikan semua alat proses di sebuah fasilitas pengeboran/pengolahan minyak tidak mengalami kegagalan fungsi akibat laju korosi yang tak terkendali, terlebih pada anjungan pengeboran minyak di lepas pantai yang berada di lingkungan berkadar garam tinggi. Secara umum Corrosion Engineer di perusahaan migas memiliki tugas sbb : * Membuat program monitoring …
Read MoreCorrosion and Pipeline Integrity Training
Corrosion and Pipeline Integrity Training Corrosion and Pipeline Integrity Training Pendahuluan Corrosion and Pipeline Integrity Training, Peralatan produksi dan bahan industri lain seperti : Pipa, Mesin, Plat, dan lain-lain kebanyakan terbuat dari bahan logam karena disesuaikan dengan peruntukannya. Namun kendala utama bahan ini adalah kemampuannya menghadapi korosi, bahkan dengan udara terbukapun korosi dapat tumbuh berkembang disana. Bila suatu logam sudah terkorosi, maka membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar untuk memperbaikinya.…
Read MoreTraining HACCP
Training Teknik Implementasi dan Dokumentasi Sistem Keamanan Pangan Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) Latar Belakang Training Teknik Implementasi dan Dokumentasi Sistem Keamanan Pangan Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) Training HACCP merupakan metode atau alat bantu yang digunakan dalam mengindentifikasi dan melakukan penanganan bahaya dalam sebuah rantai proses pengolahan berbagai produk pangan. HACCP adalah salah satu sistem manajemen keamanan pangan yang bermanfaat dan digunakan…
Read MoreTraining Cooling Tower System
Pelatihan Cooling Tower System Pendahuluan Training Cooling Tower System To provide delegates with key knowledge regarding the operation of different types of cooling systems. This will include details of safe water treatment and hygiene maintenance, monitoring and record keeping practices in order that compliance with relevant statutes and guidance can be demonstrated. Materi Training Cooling Tower System * How and why cooling towers…
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